Flip it


Coming soon

Nom nom nom

Wrong wrong wrong WRONG WRONG!!!

He sprinted across the forest floor, up a tree, over branches to his safe nest. Upon entering the familiar hole in the bark he jitteringly sniffed the air inside. His eyes widened and he speared out into the open air again.

Also wrong. ALSO WRONG!!!

He ran as hard as he could, running after the fresh air he was chasing so frantically. Alas his efforts where in vain, as the stale damp smell caught up to him. His muscles waned, and he fell into a deep slumber.

When he woke up, his vision was tinted slightly purple and a mad craving for food came over him. On the forest floor below he could see the body of a small female human. He climbed down as fast as his hunger propelled him.

Product description

High-quality green 1/1 Squirrel token for Magic: the Gathering.

TypePlaying cards
Size88 x 63 mm

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