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Den Mother
Coming soon

Protect the children

Her life-path had been a long and winding one. Roaming the Deep Forests, taking care of all her children. She had been there when the world was young and naked. The birth of beings, creatures and beasts she had witnessed. The forests of the world were all part of her den. The creatures living within were her children.

A primeval being as her knows only one fear: the fear that she would loose her children. Sadness had struck her for the first time in recent years. A pure spirit had lost its life. She felt it, just now. Here, in her very own den, where she dwelt and tried to protect all her children… she failed. Energy fed by her broken heart swelled within her. Her anguished roar was long and loud.

Product description

High-quality green 1/1 Bear token for Magic: the Gathering.

TypePlaying cards
Size88 x 63 mm

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